Skipwith United Methodist Church has entered a new era: the age of anytime, anywhere giving. We are now signed up with Givelify, the mobile giving app for places of worship. To make your first mobile donation the best experience possible, we recommend you download the Givelify app for Android or iPhone before you get to service.
Givelify gives you a beautiful, easy giving experience using your smartphone. there are no frustrating web forms or text-to-give codes to memorize. Even better, it’s free to download and use. It’s totally safe and secure, and for tax time you have one-tap access to your complete donation records.
Make your offerings, tithes, and gifts to special envelopes right from the palm of your hand. You can give to Skipwith UMC wherever you are. Make us your home place of worship for quick one-tap access.
You may also give your tithes, offerings, and gifts by mailing your check to Skipwith UMC, PO Box 32104, Henrico, VA 23294.